Saturday, 31 January 2009

Da'wah & Presentation

Yesterday was my third day of training under SCICOM (MSC). Our instructor was Ms. Salha, who was in charge of presentation. Since it was our first day with her, she asked each and everyone of us to perform a 5-minute presentation, talking about anything that crossed our minds.

Everyone was going to talk about their personal lives, favourite pets, favourite dishes.

"Nay, man! I can't perform the same range of topics. Nay, I'm a goin' to venture into other topics."

I suddenly recalled an advice I once gave to a few of my fellow companions back in Penang;

"Identify what you want to present. Identify and understand your spectators' background and mentality. Understand the situation."

In the same room with me were not only Malays (thank God to that...), but other races, and even other religions than that of Islam.

And then it struck me:

"Hey, nonny nonny!!! Why not talk about religion? It's worth a shot."

And so, I spent about 5 minutes elaborating a verse from Surah Al-Hujuraat:

"Truly We have created you from a pair of a male and a female. Then, We made you into nations and tribes so that you may know each other (not that you may despise one another)."

[Al-Hujuraat 49:13]

I've often talked about this particular verse, but this was the first time ever I elaborated in English. Alhamdulillah, it went well. No grudges, especially from the non-Muslims. In fact, I spent the whole day chit-chatting with others. One of them requested a more detailed explanation on one of the topics I brought up, regarding the racial oppressions of post WW-II.

Anyhow, this session has proved to me that one can talk about Islam to others, given the appropriate techniques; one that would be accepted by the current spectators.

Many tend to perform da'wah on to others, be they Muslims or non-Muslims. Not many succeeded this, due to the fact that they preach as if they were preaching scholars (ulama'), Islamists, when those standing before them are but ordinary, everyday people.

Spreading the word of Islam is a must. The only question is, how?

Simple. Use a method that is suitable to others, AND NOT THAT OF WHAT IS SUITABLE TO YOU!!! Think of yourself, and you'll never accomplish, except to those who are of your level.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

The Return of Metropolis Life

Alhamdulillah, I was recently offered a two-month training course under MSC, plus allowances in the form of a scholarship, of which I was guaranteed employment upon completion.

The training took place at the Stamford College Jalan Persiaran Barat campus in Petaling Jaya, right next to PJ Hilton. And so, after a year of enjoying kampung life in Penang, I finally returned to the life in which I was brought up.

My day started by leaving home at around 6.50 am, and driving through the morning traffic of the Federal Highway towards the Kelana Jaya LRT station. Upon arrival, I would park and lock up my car, thus heading for the platform to await the arrival of the LRT train, which would then take me to Taman Jaya station about four stops away.

From the station, which is adjacent to the A&W Drive-In, I would walk along Jalan Persiaran Barat towards the campus building, which is roughly about 10 minutes away, arriving at about 7.40 am.

I then had a light breakfast, bought a newspaper (The hell with Berita Harian and their alliances!!!), and pore over it whilst awaiting for my training session to initiate, which takes place at 9.00 am.

By 5.00 pm, my training session is over for the day, and I would walk back to the station, board the LRT back to Kelana Jaya, and drove back home, arriving around 6.15 pm, depending on the traffic conditions.

Why I left early, you say?

Well, firstly, I wanted to avoid heavy congestion on the highway. Secondly, I fear that the parking spaces at the station would be filled up. And thirdly, I still hold to my habit of arriving early. Among my colleagues are those who are of non-Muslims. And I, being a Muslim myself, must set up a good example of time discipline.

It is the softest of methods when performing dakwah, in which you preach others by form of attitude.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009


لا تَزَالُ طَائِفَةٌ مِنْ أُمَّتِي عَلَى الْحَقِّ ظَاهِرِينَ لِعَدُوِّهِمْ قَاهِرِينَ لا يَضُرُّهُمْ مَنْ خَالَفَهُمْ إِلَّا مَا أَصَابَهُمْ مِنْ لَأْوَاءَ حَتَّى يَأْتِيَهُمْ أَمْرُ اللَّهِ وَهُمْ كَذَلِكَ قَالُوا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ وَأَيْنَ هُمْ قَالَ ‏ ‏بِبَيْتِ الْمَقْدِسِ ‏ ‏وَأَكْنَافِ ‏ ‏بَيْتِ الْمَقْدِسِ

"Akan sentiasa ada wujud sekumpulan dari umatku yang terus menegakkan kebenaran dan tegas mendepani musuh. Tidak memudaratkan perjuangan mereka walau dipinggirkan dan dirintangi kesusahan kecuali ujian (Ilahi) sehinggalah datang ketentuan Allah. Mereka akan tetap sedemikian."

Bertanya para sahabat, "Ya Rasulullah. Di mana mereka itu?"

Baginda S.A.W. menjawab, "Mereka berada di Baitul Maqdis dan di kawasan sekitarnya."

"There will always exist amongst my ummah, a group that will constantly uphold the truth and firmly face the enemy. Their struggle shall not be affected though reclused and resisted by hardship besides tests (from Allah) until Allah's will comes. They shall remain so in that way."

The companions ask, "Where are they, O Messenger of Allah?"

The Messenger (pbuh) replied, "(They are situated in) Baitul Maqdis and the areas that surround it."


Monday, 5 January 2009

Wanita & Durian

(Kepada si sahabat yang tak suka baca artikel panjang - panjang/suka baca sekerat jalan, boleh skrol terus kepada artikel berwarna hijau... :p)

Pagi tadi, sebelum berangkat meninggalkan Kuala Kangsar pulang ke Subang Jaya, aku sembang kejap dengan Opah, memandangkan semalam aku tiba menjelang Maghrib, dan terus masuk tidur selepas makan malam kerana memaksa diri memandu dalam keadaan baru kebah demam.

"Awak ni, apa kehe cepat benor nak balik. Duduk le sehari dua lagi. Batuk awak pun tak hilang lagi." kata Opah.

Aku balas,

"Bukannye tak mau. Dah Abah dok tanya bila nak balik..."

"Kat Pulau Pinang tu ye ler, awak dok rumah orang. Dok rumah Opah lain ceritenyer. Bukannya rumah orang lain pun; rumah Abah awak jugak. Ada ler kawan Opah kat rumah ni ha." kata Opah.

"Ate, urusan dengan UiTM Pulau Pinang dah selesai, yang kat Shah Alam tu tak selesai lagi. Tu yang berkejor sikit."

"Hmm, yelah. Kot ye pun, balik le belah petang. Boleh Opah masak tengahari."

"Karim kena balik pagi, sebab nak singgah Behrang jenguk tanah Abah tu. Dah lama benor tak jenguk. Nak ambik bil ayor, api kat rumah nu ha. Lagipun, kena sampai rumah sebelum petang. Kalau idak, sesak jalan orang balik koje. Lain ler masa dok Pulau Pinang dulu; bila - bila boleh bertolak."

"Ada berbuah ke pokok - pokok kat Behrang tu? Pokok - pokok durian tu?" tanya Opah.

"Entah. Takde dikenangkan deme (penjaga tanah) pun. Durian, yang pokok liar tu aje ler yang rajin berbuah. Lepas kena petir kemarin, tak merasa durian pun. Yang tanam tu, kata arwah tok Ibrahim kemarin, ada berbuah sekali, tapi dikoje kera, melepaslah."

"Pokok yang tanam tu, Opah yang semai dulu. Tapi, kat rumah le; tanam dalam beg hitam tu. Abah awak balik Kuala, dibawaknye ke Behrang bagi 'cik Ibrahim tanamkan kat sana. Pokok durian ni, tak boleh mesin kelilingnya. Rosak akar, tak berbuah le. Tu yang orang tua kata, tebas pokok durian. Kena jaga elok - elok etc. ...."

Tengah Opah dok cerita pasal durian tu, yang aku terkenangkan pasal satu ungkapan yang aku buat berasaskan kepada kerenah pokok durian.

Biasanya, di dalam mana - mana buku atau majalah sekalipun, bila menyebut perihal wanita, wujudnya macam - macam jenis ungkapan:

"Wanita ibarat bunga"

"Wanita penyeri kehidupan"

"Tangisan wanita adalah mutiara"

...dan macam - macam lagi.

Namun, bagiku, sejauh mana benarnya ungkapan - ungkapan ini sekalipun, by the end of the day, ianya berbalik kepada satu ungkapan sahaja:


Mengapa aku kata begitu? Mari kita menyelami hakikat pokok durian itu tersendiri...

Pokok durian, mengikut orang tua - tua, adalah amat sensitif. Bagi memastikan ianya berbuah dengan baik, ianya perlu dibelai dengan 'penuh kasih sayang'. Batang pokoknya tak boleh ditetak.

Demikian juga akarnya. Kalau hendak buang lalang di keliling pokok, mesti ditebas. Tak boleh dimesin. Takut terkena akar. Pun juga, tidak boleh menggunakan racun. Jahanam beliau.

Pada masa yang sama, tidak boleh dinyalakan api bersebelahan dengannya (dibaca: membuat unggun api).

Kalau dilanggar pantang larang di atas ini, maka 'merajuklah' pokok durian, lantas tidak berbuah.

Demikian juga halnya dengan wanita. Secara kasarnya, Kalau jaga, baiklah. Kalau buat hal dengan dia, haa siaplah hang!

Secara mendalam, ciptaan Allah yang bernama wanita ini adalah amat fragile (mudah pecah). Nak jadi baik senang, jadi yang sebaliknya pun senang. Maka, untuk mereka menjadi baik, haruslah dijaga dengan baik, dipelihara dengan baik, dididik dengan baik.

Maka, jadilah kalian dari kalangan wanita yang baik - baik. Allah jadikan kalian sebagai contoh sebaik - baik insan, bukannya sebagai pelesit yang menggoda hati manusia yang lalai.

Jangan marah naa...