Everyone was going to talk about their personal lives, favourite pets, favourite dishes.
"Nay, man! I can't perform the same range of topics. Nay, I'm a goin' to venture into other topics."
I suddenly recalled an advice I once gave to a few of my fellow companions back in Penang;
"Identify what you want to present. Identify and understand your spectators' background and mentality. Understand the situation."
In the same room with me were not only Malays (thank God to that...), but other races, and even other religions than that of Islam.
And then it struck me:
"Hey, nonny nonny!!! Why not talk about religion? It's worth a shot."
And so, I spent about 5 minutes elaborating a verse from Surah Al-Hujuraat:
[Al-Hujuraat 49:13]
I've often talked about this particular verse, but this was the first time ever I elaborated in English. Alhamdulillah, it went well. No grudges, especially from the non-Muslims. In fact, I spent the whole day chit-chatting with others. One of them requested a more detailed explanation on one of the topics I brought up, regarding the racial oppressions of post WW-II.
Anyhow, this session has proved to me that one can talk about Islam to others, given the appropriate techniques; one that would be accepted by the current spectators.
Many tend to perform da'wah on to others, be they Muslims or non-Muslims. Not many succeeded this, due to the fact that they preach as if they were preaching scholars (ulama'), Islamists, when those standing before them are but ordinary, everyday people.
Spreading the word of Islam is a must. The only question is, how?
Simple. Use a method that is suitable to others, AND NOT THAT OF WHAT IS SUITABLE TO YOU!!! Think of yourself, and you'll never accomplish, except to those who are of your level.