Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Of Migration & Freedom

Mother once mentioned to me that music from eastern America are more smooth and easy-going, whilst those from western America are more lively. From that on, I took interest in the expansion of civilisation.

The early settlements of America were on the east coast. Later, people migrated further westwards seeking new life, and we can tell from cowboy movies that the people in the west were more lively and free, if you like.

In the modern day, migrations are more inclined towards Australia. Professionals, refugees, and asylum seekers would head for Australia or other developed countries in search of better jobs, liberation, and quality of life.

They would leave their countries that were in turmoil, dictated, or economically devastated, not to mention the legislation and constitution.

Among those who migrate are the Muslims. Many who migrate seek better space to practice their faith, whilst some too try to be free of it.

No matter where we are, we can never be seperated from the teachings of Islam. Even though some countries regard religion as a mere hobby, does not mean that we too can treat Islam as a hobby. Islam is not just a religion, it's the way of life.

Being in a non-Muslim country, our responsibility is to uphold its teaching and showing to others what Islam is all about. But because appealing Muslims disregard their religion, and took to the life of no limits, Islam is thus considered by others as nothing but a plain ideology.

A few days ago, I was watching the news. News on crimes, hoodlums, and vandalism are common. But what shocked me is that the name of the perperators were not Nigel, Bruce, or Harry. No sir, the names were Mohamed Yasin, Abou Nasser. These are names of Muslims. Muslims committing crime in a non-Muslim country.

No wonder Muslims, immigrants are being hated all around, even though they know very little about Islam, and many do not consider readin about Islam before making personal theories. Just because you live in a free country, doesn't mean that you can be stupid and act freely.

Remember this; you are a Muslim. You live by the Book and Sunnah which describes everything that you do in life. No matter where you go, they must never be segregated. You are in a deprived land, you live by it. If you are in a free country, you still live by it.

There's no use nor benefit trying to copy their ways of life, dressing, for Allah has already reminded us,

And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion. Say: Surely Allah's guidance, that is the (true) guidance. And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you shall have no guardian from Allah, nor any helper.
[Al-Baqarah, 2:120]

Stick to your religion no matter where you are, and live by it. If you stick to the teachings of your religion, you will unite with your fellow Muslims, and with united Muslims, this religion shall be ridiculed no more. People will respect Islam and its worshippers.

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