Thursday 3 January 2013

Kanak – Kanak, Masjid, & Saf

Satu Maghrib beberapa minggu yang lalu saya pergi menunaikan solat di salah sebuah masjid di Kuala Kangsar. Biasanya saya akan terus bergegas ke saf paling depan, tetapi kali ini saya ambil keputusan untuk berlegar – legar di bahagian belakang dewan solat sehingga semua orang sudah berada dalam saf. 


Adakah saya hanya mahukan pahala kambing?

Tidak. Saya sebenarnya mahu memerhatikan Pemegang Mohor Saf Kanak – Kanak menghimpunkan semua kanak – kanak ke dalam satu saf khas di belakang. Setelah tuan Pemegang Mohor masuk saf saya terus bergegas ke saf kanak – kanak tersebut dan menarik seberapa banyak yang boleh untuk ikut saya ke saf depan, termasuk seorang budak yang nampak gaya macam ketua hulubalang kanak – kanak.

Setelah solat, saya bersembang dengan ‘ketua’ tersebut, 

Saya: “Berapa umur kamu ni, yob? Dah sunat?” 

 Dia: “11. Dah.” 

Saya: “Dahtu, apa koje kamu sembahyang kat belakang pulak?”

Dia: “Pakcik tu tak bagi.” 

Saya: “Lantak je dia tu. Lain kali kamu tunggu dia dah angkat takbir, lepas tu lari ke depan. Budak – budak nak sembahyang dengan orang tua boleh je. Belakang imam je kamu tak boleh. Dulu pakcik belajar kat luar Negara, mana ada saf kanak – kanak. Kanak – kanak kerja dia masuk celah – celah orang tua yang renggang saf.” 

 Saya sebenarnya memang cukup pening kepala dengan adat meletakkan kanak – kanak dalam saf khas. Tambahan pula, saya cukup sakit hati, marah tak terkata apabila di masjid kariah saya di Kuala Lumpur ada “Saf OKU.” Cukup menghinakan! Alasan yang diberikan oleh orang tua dalam masjid itu dia membatalkan saf. Batal saf apa lagi? Kalau nak pakai pendapat keras, saf Jemaah dah batal sejak hari masjid dibuka. Sebab tak bersentuh bahu, kaki. Boleh main konta konti kat celah – celah tu.

Alasan biasa untuk mewujudkan saf kanak – kanak,

1. Belum sunat. Takut menitik air kencing batal wudhu’ terus batal solat. Rosak saf. (Tak usah mengada – ngada. Soal batal atau tidak bukan menjadi persoalan sehingga zahir tanda – tandanya. Orang tua pun ada je yang terkincit dalam diam lepas tu buat muka comel. Ada atau tak ada kanak – kanak saf memang dah rosak. Geli sangat nak bersentuh bahu, takut orang kampong kata kedi (gay). Kalau dah rosak saf, baiki lah saf tu.)

2. Kanak – kanak buat bising. (Memang lah. Dah kamu gatal sangat kumpulkan mereka sekali. Dah nama kanak – kanak itulah fitrahnya. Penjajah pakai sistem pecah dan perintah. Gunalah dalam masjid. Letakkan sebelah ayah, penjaga atau sesiapa sahaja, dia akan diam dan ikut solat. Saya tahu; saya dah perhatikan fenomena ini selama saya bawa kanak – kanak ke saf depan. Dia akan wirid dan berdoa sekali sebelum mencari rakan seperjuangannya.)

3. Kanak – kanak busuk. (Kamu pun busuk jugak. Hisap Gudang Garam di luar masjid.).

Sabda Rasulullah,

“Hendaklah berdiri mengiringi di belakang aku orang yang sudah baligh dan berakal, kemudian mereka yang berikutnya, mereka yang berikutnya. Jaga-jagalah kamu dari hingar-bangar seperti pasar”. 
 [HR: At-Tirmizi].  

Ulama’ mazhab Shafie pula berpandangan,

“Sunat meletakkan kanak-kanak (yang sudah suci) itu diselang-seli dengan orang dewasa bagi mereka belajar melakukan solat”. 

 Imam al-Khatib al-Syarbini pula menjelaskan,

“Perbincangan tentang susunan saf itu adalah apabila jemaah datang serentak, tetapi sekiranya kanak-kanak datang awal, maka jangan diundurkan mereka untuk memberi tempat kepada orang dewasa yang baru datang, seperti itu juga kalau mereka lebih awal berada di saf awal, maka mereka lebih berhak menduduki tempat tersebut, menurut pendapat yang sahih…. Adapun dibelakangkan kanak-kanak daripada orang dewasa seperti yang diperkatakan oleh al-Azraie apabila saf orang dewasa telah penuh, tetapi sekiranya terdapat kekosongan pada saf orang dewasa maka ianya diisi dengan kanak-kanak.” 
[Mughni al-Muntaj]

Jelas daripada apa yang dikatakan; jika kanak – kanak yang sampai masjid dulu, maka menjadi hak mereka mana – mana saf yang kosong, demikian juga jika saf orang dewasa terdapat kekosongan maka saf tersebut perlu diisi dengan kanak-kanak. Tidak terdapat di sana saf yang dikhususkan kepada kanak-kanak.

Lain pula halnya di belakang imam; mestilah orang yang berilmu yang boleh menegur imam kalau tersilap atau ganti imam kalau imam ‘buat muka comel’. Kanak – kanak dan orang tua tidak berilmu tidak boleh berdiri di belakang imam. Kalau tak semua pakat buat muka comel.

Persoalan sebenarnya yang timbul di sini bukan pada hal “Bolehkah kanak – kanak pergi ke saf depan?” tetapi pada hal “Mengapa kanak – kanak perlu ke depan?” Pada hari ini sudah jelas sangat orang – orang Islam sudah hidup dalam kejahilan, dalam kemaksiatan yang pekat. Sedikit demi sedikit mereka menjauhkan diri dari Islam, menjauhkan diri dari majlis ilmu, dan menjauhkan diri dari masjid.

Antara sebab jauhnya sesorang itu dari masjid ialah kerana layanan dalam masjid. Sewaktu saya kecil, saya antara yang sering ditolak ke saf belakang walaupun saya dah khatan sebelum saya masuk tadika dan sudah bersekolah. Geng – geng masjid saya waktu itu ada yang menjauhkan diri dari masjid kerana “benci betul kat orang tua tu; orang datang sembahyang dia halau pergi belakang.”

Dua tahun saya membesar di England, dua tahun menjadi mahasiswa di Australia, masjid di Turki, Arab Saudi, Mesir, Korea dan negara – Negara Eropah saya pernah solat, tidak pernah saya jumpa saf kanak – kanak. Bahkan kanak – kanak ditolak sedepan yang boleh bagi meraikan kehadiran mereka ke masjid. Di negara ini rata – ratanya ada masalah menyusun priority terhadap masalah – masalah semasa.

Umat Islam leka dalam bersolat kita sibuk bahas bolehkah berdoa ramai – ramai, ramai orang kesukaran untuk mendirikan rumahtangga kita gatal letak ‘flow-chart’ prosedur memohon kebenaran berkahwin dan denda RM1000 atau penjara 6 bulan kalau tak daftar betul – betul, ramai umat Islam makin tak reti ugama sendiri, kita sibuk dengan meng-khawarijkan ulama’, kanak – kanak renggang dengan masjid, kita sibuk mewarisi adat pepatih yang entah bila mulanya dan sebab apa.

Janganlah dijauhkan kanak – kanak daripada orang tua dalam solat. Ajaklah mereka untuk solat di sebelah kita. Ia memberi peluang untuk mereka memperbaiki solat, dan merapatkan mereka dengan orang tua, dan mudah – mudahan di dalam jangka masa panjang menjadikan mereka mesra masjid.

 Dan jangalah sibuk sangat pasal kanak – kanak berlari – lari. Itu fitrah mereka sebagai golongan yang belum akil baligh. Letak mereka di sebelah kita, dan mereka diam dan turut bersolat.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Ennahda, FJP, & PAS: Ketika Rakyat Beri Mandat Tubuh Kerajaan

Menang Pilihanraya
Sejak peristiwa ‘Arab Spring’ hampir dua tahun yang lalu, saya mula mengambil sedikit sebanyak perhatian mengenai perkembangan politik di Timur Tengah.

Sewaktu Ennahda menang di Tunisia, saya berada di Australia. Dan sepertimana biasa media orang putih, akan ada wawancara bersama pemerhati politik yang akan menggunakan pembuka ayat “I think…”, berbicara mengenai “rise of the Islamists”, “Islamophobia” dan macam – macam benda lagi.

Pada masa yang sama, banyak pihak menjadi tak senang duduk bila dikhabarkan parti Islam menang pilihanraya, dan mula menyatakan keresehan di kaca mata televisyen.

Perkara sama berlaku di Mesir; apabila FJP memegang majoriti kerusi parlimen dan Dr. Morsi dari FJP mendapat mandat menjadi presiden, ramai orang tidur tak lena sebab FJP berkuasa, dan FJP adalah Ikhwan Muslimin. Maka berulang sekali lagi wawancara “rise of the Islamists” dan “Islamophobia”. Dan banyak pihak juga resah mengenai kepimpinan Dr. Morsi ekoran lawannya Ahmad Syafiq ada pengalaman mentadbir negara.

Situasi seperti ini saya sudah jangkakan dari awal, sebab lumrah manusia berasa tidak selesa dengan benda baru pada peringkat awalnya, apatah lagi parti – parti Islam di serata dunia termasuk Ikhwan Muslimin dilabel sebagai pengganas, pemisah, ekstremis, dan macam – macam lagi.

Sebab yang kedua, senario ini saya dah perhatikan di Malaysia. Sewaktu PRU-12 pada tahun 2008, saya berada di UiTM. Dan pilihanraya tahun melihat kebangkitan pihak pembangkang hatta menang di lima negeri. Di Perak khususnya, pemegang majoriti kerusi ialah DAP, tetapi menteri besarnya dari PAS (Ir. Nizar). Maka macam – macam label menimpa PAS, antaranya dituduh menjadi kuda tunggangan DAP, hilang matlamat sebab berpakat dengan kafir harbi, memecah belahkan Melayu, dan banyak lagi.

Tubuh Kerajaan
Pagi ini saya baca satu artikel di Harakahdaily mengenai perkembangan semasa di Mesir (KLIK DI SINI). Parti Salafi Al-Nour ‘kecil hati’ Dr. Morsi memberi keutamaan kepada golongan teknokrat dan bukannya golongan ideologis yang mendominasi Al-Nour untuk menjawat jawatan menteri.

Di Malaysia pun pernah berlaku perkara sama; pembahagian jumlah kerusi Exco antara DAP, PKR, dan PAS di Selangor dan Perak. Nisbah kali pertama, satu pihak tidak perkenan. Runding punya runding, akhirnya bersetuju. Di Perak, PAS hanya mendapat satu kerusi Exco.

Di Tunisia, ramai orang risau bila ditubuh kerajaan baru, maka banyak perniagaan akan tergugat ekoran bercanggah dengan syariat. Namun Ennahda memberitahu bahawa isu – isu itu bukan tugas utama mereka pada peringkat awal ini. Isu yang lebih penting ialah membersihkan kerajaan Tunisia terlebih dahulu. Hal itu kemudian cerita.

Hakikatnya, tidak ada manusia yang apabila melakukan sesuatu perkara baru buat kali pertama dia terus cerdik. Ibarat graf PID Controller, dia akan melalui satu tempoh bergoyah sebelum lancar urusannya. Cuma yang membezakan antara manusia ialah tempoh goyahnya.

Sewaktu semua orang risau dengan perkembangan di Perak, saya pernah memberi komen bahawa situasi ini ibarat memandu kereta baru. Enjin kereta baru sewaktu 1000 kilometer pertama amatlah kasar bila dipandu. Ini kerana injap, piston semua ketat – ketat belaka dan minyak pelincir tak meresap sepenuhnya. Jadi kena pandu perlahan – lahan. Selepas servis pertama, enjin akan lancar sedikit demi sedikit dan selepas 5000 – 10000 kilometer, lancar habis enjin. Enjin itu kerajaan Perak, pemandunya Mat Nizar, kereta itu sendiri ialah negeri Perak. Rakyat penumpangnya.

Hakikatnya Parti Islam
Dah nama pun parti Islam, menjadikan Islam sebagai wadah perjuangan sudah tentu di sepanjang hayatnya akan bertemu dengan tempoh tidak disukai, disusuli dengan tempoh kurang percaya, seterusnya membawa kepada tempoh dikenali, dan akhirnya membawa kepada tempoh disokong, insyaAllah.

PAS sudah melaluinya. Dari tidak disokong kepada diberi mandat tetapi masih dipersoalkan, kemudiannya mula dikenali, dan kini disokong bahkan oleh bukan Islam termasuk juga rakan - rakan mereka dalam DAP.

Mana – mana parti Islam di dunia ini akan melaluinya jika mereka kekal di atas landasan dan ikhlas membawa Islam sebagai wadah perjuangan mereka di atas pentas politik. Apatah lagi dalam dunia hari ini yang mana Islam berada di dalam era “kembali asing” dan kini sedang membangun dan didekati oleh pelbagai pihak.

Lihat di Turki. Sewaktu rakyat memberi mandat kepada Parti AKP, rakyat Turki yang pada masa itu kuat pegangan sekularis masih ‘kurang percaya’ dengan kerajaan baru mereka. Isteri Abdullah Gul, perdana menteri sewaktu itu memakai tudung di khalayak ramai pun dijadikan isu, pihak tentera ugut rampas kuasa jika membawa Islam ke dalam perlembagaan. Namun berlalunya masa, rakyat mempercayai AKP, hatta sedikit demi sedikit sokongan terhadap mereka meningkat pada setiap musim pilihanraya.

InsyaAllah, mana – mana parti Islam yang diberi mandat memerintah sungguhpun kuat tentangan pada peringkat awalnya jika diizinkan Allah untuk kekal lama akan disokong oleh orang ramai pada akhirnya.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Azhar Idrus & Malam Tahun Baru

Pertama - tama sekali saya ucapkan tahniah kepada para penganjur program Sambutan Tahun Baru di Dataran Kemerdekaan Shah Alam baru - baru ini, terutama sekali sahabat - sahabat saya yang turut berada di antara baris - baris terhadapan.

Saya tergerak untuk menulis di sini kerana saya agak 'kecewa' sedikit dengan beberapa komen yang saya jumpa merata - rata di internet yang lebih mempersoalkan lebih tentang hal - hal teknikal berbanding dengan outcome program tersebut.

Antara yang saya terbaca adalah persoalan meraikan selebriti - selebriti seperti Zizan Raja Lawak sedangkan dahulunya bukan main menghentam rancangan - rancangan realiti di televisyen yang mana lahirnya watak Zizan.

Dan yang lagi satu yang membuat saya cukup geram adalah persoalan ustaz Azhar Idrus bermain gitar, dan dari situ ada yang lebih lanjutnya melabelkan ustaz sebagai agen iblis, dakyah haram dsb..

Persoalan hadirnya Zizan Raja Lawak sebagai tetamu undangan; tergerak saya nak perhalusi situasi ini. Maharaja Lawak...atau entah apa lagi nama rancangan loyar buruk kat TV tu, secara jelas adalah lagha dan tidak ada unsur - unsur yang boleh membawa penontonnya mendekati dan ingat kepada Allah S.W.T..

Adakah apabila Zizan muncul di Dataran Kemerdekaan Shah Alam beliau membawa sekali panji Maharaja Lawak? Kali terakhir saya lihat, tak ada pun nama Maharaja Lawak Roadshow. Yang terpapar hanyalah Countdown 2012 yang mana majoriti tetamu undangan adalah para ustaz.

Apakah di dalam sesuatu majlis yang mana majoriti tetamunya adalah para ulamak maka kesannya terhadap penonton dan pengunjung adalah sama seperti rancangan - rancangan televisyen yang lagha belaka itu? Sudah tentu tidak. Sebab apa? Sebab ada orang yang mengingatkan di dalam majlis itu. Macam mana gayanya manusia sekalipun, apabila berdepan face-to-face dengan para ustaz tetap akan merendah diri tanpa disedari.

Lagipun, saya kenal benar sahabat - sahabat saya yang terlibat dalam program ini; cerdik - cerdik belaka, tahu pemikiran dan mentaliti orang awam, tahu bagaimana nak mendekati orang, dan ada kesedaran untuk tidak melalaikan orang.


Saya bukanlah pengikut tegar ustaz Azhar Idrus. Jujurnya, saya pengikut tegar ustaz Shahrir Long dan Ismail Kamus. Namun saya masih mendengar kuliah ustaz Azhar Idrus dari masa ke semasa, bahkan nama beliau saya sudah biasa dengar seawal tahun 2005.

Dalam setahun dua ini saya telah melihat bagaimana beliau menjadi terkenal sedikit demi sedikit hingga mencapai tahap yang kita lihat pada saat dan ketika ini. Dan apa yang menarik perhatian saya, yang mengikuti kuliah - kuliah beliau terdiri dari pelbagai lapisan masyarakat dengan pelbagai ragam.

Bermakna beliau ada pengaruh untuk menarik macam - macam jenis orang...tak terhad kepada geng - geng yang bawa kitab kuning dan buku haraki kulu kelior. Mengingatkan saya kepada ustaz Akhil Hayy sekitar 2003 - 2005 dahulukala.

Soal beliau bermain gitar saya tak nak berdalil oleh kerana saya kurang kekuatan ilmu berkenaan syarah hadith berkaitan hiburan. Cuma apa yang boleh saya katakan selama ini saya berpegang dengan pandangan Dr. Yusuf Qardhawi yang mengatakan bahawa alatan muzik itu halal selama mana ianya tidak membawa kepada kelalaian.

Apa yang ingin saya tekankan, yang sepatutnya dibincangkan dalam isu ini bukannya mengenai dalil ustaz Azhar bermain gitar because seriously...tak ada manfaatnya berhujah ala maqam tinggi sedangkan yang baca dan cuba faham pangkal hulunya adalah orang biasa.

Yang sepatutnya diutarakan adalah konsep program itu sendiri; objektif dan hasilnya. Kita melihat sendiri 70,000 orang berkumpul untuk menyambut tahun baru dan dihidangkan dengan pengisian agama, hiburan yang tidak melalaikan. Tidakkah ini lebih baik daripada melalak bersuka ria di Dataran Merdeka Kuala Lumpur, atau melompat - lompat atas kereta orang di Gurney Drive Pulau Pinang?

Berdakwah itu perlu di dalam kehidupan manusia, bahkan ianya wajib ke atas setiap Muslim (Al-Quran, 3:110). Tapi wujud juga persoalan BAGAIMANA untuk berdakwah. Lain orang lain cara berdakwah, dan lain masyarakat lain pendekatan berdakwah.

Ramai dari kalangan kita apabila sebut dakwah, yang terlintas dalam fikiran; pakai jubah, pakai serban, bawa kitab kuning merata - rata. Not necessarily. Sesiapa pun boleh berdakwah jika dia ada ilmu dan kaedah penyampaian yang boleh diterima.

Ambil kursus kejuruteraan sekalipun, jika reti bab - bab ugama, lebih - labih lagi kalau boleh mengaitkan ilmu - ilmu kejuruteraan dengan taqwa, maka berdakwah lah.

Kalau kita imbas sirah para anbiya':

Kaum Nabi Nuh a.s. terkenal dengan binaan - binaan mereka yang mencakar langit. Maka dakwah Nuh disertai dengan mukjizat yang setanding dengan kehebatan mereka iaitu sebuah bahtera.

Kaum Nabi Musa a.s. terkenal dengan sihir. Maka dakwah Musa disertai dengan mukjizat yang setanding dengan mereka iaitu tongkat yang bertukar menjadi ular, tangan yang bersinar, pembelahan Laut Merah, dan juga siri malapetaka yang dikenali di dunia Barat sebagai The 10 Biblical Plagues.

Kaum Quraisy Makkah terkenal dengan lirik - lirik syair yang menawan hati. Maka dakwah Rasulullah S.A.W. disertai dengan ayat - ayat Al-Quran yang manasusunan bahasanya tidak dapat ditandingi sehingga ke hari ini.

Sebelum saya datang ke Australia dulu, saya aktif dengan aktiviti - aktiviti dakwah di dalam kampus. Kami diberi objektif untuk dilaksanakan. Namun kami juga berdepan dengan mahasiswa yang suka kepada hiburan, dan bersantai di warung.

Dan selama itu saya perhatikan; menganjur kuliah agama di Pusat Islam tidak dapat menarik golongan - golongan ini. Namun bila dianjurkan program - program yang ada hiburan di dalamnya, atau menggunakan nama yang dahsyat - dahsyat, mereka antara yang terawal sampai.

Ajarannya di sini, nak berdakwah kat orang kena pertimbangkan kaedah pendekatan. Orang yang siang malamnya berdamping dengan hiburan, import maulana hebat dari luar negara pun belum tentu dapat mengalih perhatiannya.

Ajaran yang saya dapat selama saya berada di kalangan orang - orang Australia (di universiti saya ada secubit je orang Melayu, dan saya satu - satunya pelajar Malaysia mengambil jurusan Kejuruteraan Elektrik), saya tidak boleh dilihat terlalu Islamik pada peringkat awal berkawan dengan mereka (takde la sampai ke tahap lupa harga diri).

Namun saya mendedahkan keIslaman saya secara berperingkat. Dan Alhamdulillah, pada saat dan ketika ini mereka iktiraf yang saya ini adalah seorang Muslim yang berpegang pada ajaran agama. Kalau kami keluar berjalan bersama - sama, mereka akan pastikan kami pergi makan di tempat yang ada sijil Halal, tidak meminum arak/bir depan saya, dan memastikan waktu - waktu solat saya.

Mudah kan? Lambat iktiraf tetapi dalam keadaan redha lebih baik daripada iktiraf dalam keadaan paksa.

Maka, berdakwahlah secara berperingkat kepada orang - orang yang kurang mengetahui. kenalpasti dulu apa kemahuan mereka, lalu cuba wujudkan satu suasana yang kondusif dan diterima oleh mereka dan juga Islam. Setelah mereka berada di dalam zon selesa dan sedia menerima, maka berilah pengisian yang lebih mendalam sedikit demi sedikit.

Dan janganlah hal - hal teknikal didebatkan menjadi isu ummah. Ada isu ummah yang lebih penting dan utama untuk difikirkan bersama.

That is the nature of da'wah; slow and steady. Muhammad S.A.W. spent 23 years spreading the teachings of Islam, and he is the beloved of Allah. What are we, mere mortals compared to him?

Friday 11 November 2011

'Eiduladha Sermon 2011: The Sacrifices of Life

On this day, I was asked again by the Sri Lankan Muslim Association to lead the eid prayer and give a sermon. Given the examination period, the sermon was not as intense as the 'Eidulfitr sermon. Nevertheless, the main thing was to convey the lessons learnt from 'Eiduladha.

The sermon took place at a community hall in Oakleigh.


Praise is to Allah who hath guided us to this; and we would not have been guided if Allah had not guided us. We praise Him, we seek His help, and we ask for His forgiveness. Whomever Allah guides, no one can lead him astray, and whoever is led astray by the will of Allah, no one can bring him back.
We bear witness that there is but one Allah, and Muhammad S.A.W. as his messenger, and the last messenger appointed by Allah.

O servants of Allah! Fear Allah! Fear Allah the way He deserves to be feared. And do not die as Muslims in full state of submission to Allah.

My dear brothers and sisters,

Today we celebrate the day of ‘Eidul-adha, in conjunction with two important things in Islam;
1. The ritual of hajj, which makes one of the five pillars of Islam
2. The ritual of sacrifice, to enliven the symbol that was performed by the prophet Ibrahim a.s.

With the conjunction of hajj which has been made compulsory by Allah to those who can afford so; they answer the call of Allah to perform hajj.

“…and pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon men for the sake of Allah, (upon) everyone who is able to undertake the journey to it; and whoever disbelieves, then surely Allah is Self-sufficient, above any need of the worlds.”
[Aali-‘Imran, 3:97]

Ever since the month of Shawwal, people have been on pilgrims to gather at the holy city of Makkah to answer the call of Allah, they answer with hearts of faith, performing what has been appealed by prophet Ibrahim a.s.; performing the hajj, worshipping the one Lord, facing in the one direction, following the path of prophet Muhammad S.A.W., and becoming an ummah that has been united under Islam, as how Allah S.W.T. has commanded:

“The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye may receive Mercy.”
[Al-Hujuraat, 49:10]

The prophet Muhammad S.A.W. is the last prophet appointed by Allah as the messenger to mankind, which comprises of different nations and descendants, of different backgrounds, rank, wealth, and knowledge. They have been called upon to unite in the name of Islam, as how Allah has advised in the Quran:

“O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).”
[Al-Hujuraat, 49:13]

From a distance everyone looks the same; they wear the same garments, each of them not revealing their racial background, be they Arabs, Africans, Europeans, or Asians. No one knows who is a president, who is a cleaner, who is a minister, who is a civil servant.

The ritual of hajj witnesses the mass gathering of Muslims from the far corners of the world, glorifying the oneness of Allah upon wearing their ihram clothings by chanting the talbiyah,

“Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am. Here I am at Thy service and Thou hast no partners. Thine alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Thine alone is The Sovereignty. Thou hast no partners."

They gathered despite their differences in nationality and language, not being able to understand each other’s conversations, with different ways of life, with different cultures and situations; some being too rough, some being too soft, and some being mediocre.

And in those situations, they have been commanded to perform hajj with the spirit of brotherhood, which becomes a test for them.

“For Hajj are the months well known. If anyone undertakes that duty therein, Let there be no obscenity, nor wickedness, nor wrangling in the Hajj. And whatever good ye do, (be sure) Allah knoweth it. And take a provision (With you) for the journey, but the best of provisions is right conduct. So fear Me, o ye that are wise.”
[Al-Baqarah, 2:197]

My dear brothers and sisters,

Today we are reminded again of the life of Ibrahim a.s., the prophet chosen by Allah, who became an example and role model to all of mankind. Allah said,

“And who would be averse to the religion of Abraham except one who makes a fool of himself. And We had chosen him in this world, and indeed he, in the Hereafter, will be among the righteous. When his Lord said to him, "Submit", he said "I have submitted [in Islam] to the Lord of the worlds.” And Abraham instructed his sons [to do the same] and [so did] Jacob, [saying], "O my sons, indeed Allah has chosen for you this religion, so do not die except while you are Muslims."
[Al-Baqarah, 2:130 – 132]

Ibrahim’s state of Islam was shown with full submission to Allah, willingly prepared to face Namrud, king of Babylon, the strongest empire of his time. Ibrahim did not submit to Namrud and his government, nor did he submit to his father who supported Namrud to an extent where he was sentenced to death by fire, ousted from his homeland by Namrud and his father.

He was then ordered to send his family; his wife Hajar and son Ismail a.s. to a dry valley where there were no foliage, no living soul, no water, and no fire. Ibrahim fulfilled the obligation with total obedience.

When he left his wife and son, he was asked by his wife,

“Did Allah command you to do this?”


“Then Allah will not abandon us.”

Hajar too submitted to Allah, willingly left alone with her son in the valley without anyone to accompany them. Yet under such circumstances, she managed to hold steadfast while tending to the young Ismail. And when the situation reached its climax, Allah bestowed upon them the well of Zam Zam.

This goes to show that it is Allah who bestows upon us all that we have; wealth, health, scholarships, ease of life; not kings, nor governments, nor people with high ranks. They are but trust holders to all that belongs to Allah. It also shows that Allah’s bounty exists even in unthinkable places.

When Ismail reached an age where he could walk, and where he could help his father with his works, Ibrahim was tested with a command from Allah that he sacrifice his son.

“And when he reached with him [the age of] exertion, he said, "O my son, indeed I have seen in a dream that I [must] sacrifice you, so see what you think." He said, "O my father, do as you are commanded. You will find me, if Allah wills, of the steadfast."”
[As-Soffaat, 37:102]

Ismail who was still young believed in his father’s prophecy, believed in Allah’ commands. And because it was Allah’s command, it must be fulfilled. We belong to Allah. It is He who has created us, who has given us the blessing of life, who has given us all the faculties that we have. All of it belongs to Allah.

Ibrahim knows that he belongs to Allah, and whatever Allah asks, he must fulfil, even though it meant sacrificing his beloved son.

When the command was about to be fulfilled, Allah commanded Jibril to nullify the command, stating that it was merely a test of faith. That is the meaning of Islam, the meaning of submitting to Allah; willing to sacrifice even the priceless of possessions for His cause.

Let us evaluate ourselves. Are we really Muslims who wholeheartedly submit to Allah; believing and accepting all the laws that relate to his Oneness even though we have never seen Him, the laws that relate to His angels, rewards and sins, and the hereafter even though we have never seen them?

The laws that relate to ourselves; Allah’s command that we cover ourselves, that we take only what is Halal and leave all those that are prohibited, that we marry and not commit adultery, and all the laws that define what is good and what is evil?

A true Muslim submits himself to all of His commands. Whatever He commands is beneficial for us, and whatever he prohibits is nothing but disadvantages for us in this life and the hereafter.

A true Muslim never doubts ever for a minute all the laws that Allah has prescribed even but a single letter.

Sadly though, there are many Muslims today who object to these laws, insisting that the teachings of Islam are not conducive in this time and age, insisting that the laws are discriminatory when they know and admit that all the laws found in the Quran and sunnah are authentic. For these people, Allah has questioned them in the Quran,

'Say, "Would you acquaint Allah with your religion while Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, and Allah is Knowing of all things?"'
[Al-Hujuraat, 49:16]

In this verse, Allah is asking them, “Are you trying to teach Me about how life should be led when you know very well that I know best of all the things I have created?”

We are all the creation of Allah, thus only He knows what is best for us.

My dear brothers and sisters,

Never even for once in your life think that just because we were born as Muslims, having inherited the religion of Islam from our ancestors that we have already a first-class ticket to enter Paradise. Just because we are readily Muslims does not give us the authority to live life as if there were no rules.

Even though we have been chosen by Allah to be in the right path, there are chances that somewhere along the way we will be led astray. An opportunity given to a student to enter university does not guarantee his leaving with a certificate. There are chances that he may drop out.

“Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such [trial] has not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before you? They were touched by poverty and hardship and were shaken until [even their] messenger and those who believed with him said, "When is the help of Allah?" Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near.”
[Al-Baqarah, 2:214]

This life is filled with challenges. Whatever we wish to achieve, we must work for it. There are times when Allah grants us of what we seek, and there are times when Allah does not grant it to us, or postpones it to a later time. That is why we must always be in full state of submission to Allah, for He knows what is best for us, and what is not.

This day of Adha reminds us that we must struggle to achieve our goals in life, that life is full of obstacles, and that we must face it while not losing faith in Allah. Sacrifices will have to be made along the way. Remember what Allah has reminded us,

“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves…”
[Ar-Ra'd, 13:11]

Ibrahim faced the threats of being burnt alive and ousted from his homeland. Hajar willingly resided in the valley with his son. Ismail willingly let himself be sacrificed. All the trouble they went through, just to fulfil Allah’s commands and to gain His pleasure. Despite the harshness and complications they had to endure, they went through it, believing that Allah will never abandon them. They were the chosen ones, and the beloved of Allah. We ourselves are but ordinary people, thus we have to remind ourselves that we have no provision of being trouble-free.

Only Allah and He alone has the power of determining our fate, our wealth, and our tranquillity. No man, no king, no president, and no government have such power over us. Bear that in mind. Work for it, and submit to Allah that He may grant you of what you desire.

“Let them worship the Lord of this House, who provides them with food against hunger, and with security against fear (of danger).”
[Quraysh, 106:3-4]


My dear brothers and sisters,

If a person loves someone he will do everything in his power to please the latter and hopefully achieve something in return. But if he hates the latter, he will do all that he can to fuel that sense of hatred.

If we love Allah, then we should submit wholeheartedly to him, and do everything in our capacity to gain His pleasure, and to abide by all his commands.

“Say, [O Muhammad], "If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."
[Aali-‘Imran, 3:31]

Let us on this day feel the greatness of the reward of Islam and Iman bestowed upon us by Allah. In fact, we should feel very proud of it. Only death while in faith and Islam will be acknowledged by Allah.

“O you who believe! Fear Allah the way he deserves to be feared. And do not die except as Muslims in full state of submission to Allah.”
[Aali-‘Imran, 3:102]

Remember that on this day Muslims from all walks of life have gathered in the holy city of Makkah. Let this be living proof that despite coming from different backgrounds, we are but brothers; we submit to one Allah jalla jalaluh, we acknowledge that the prophet Muhammad S.A.W. is His messenger and our role model, we make the Quran and sunnah as our guide in life, and we prostrate the same direction.

Once we are Muslims, there is nothing that segregates us in any way, with the exception of our level of taqwa.

We ask Allah to keep us in the right path and avoid us from being led astray.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Favouritisme & Zalim Pintu Belakang

"Have you ever considered applying for work at Petronas? You said here your father works at Petronas. Surely he can get you straight to HR Department..."

"I did consider trying to apply to Petronas. But then, the fact that my father is inside Petronas made me justify otherwise. If I was able to secure something just because I know someone inside, because I have some kind of godfather (read = lobbyist) in the organisation, then there's no challenge to that. I will not be assessed based on my capacities..."

Pagi tadi saya pergi interview kerja di Swanston Street. Alhamdulillah, Allah memberi ruang. Ini interview pertama permohonan kerja dalam bidang kejuruteraan. Soal jawab di atas tu merupakan sebahagian daripada temubual pagi tadi. Sebenarnya, soalan ini tak dijangka, tapi Alhamdulillah jawab juga.

Saya nak ajak merenung dengan lebih mendalam soal jawab di atas tu. Secara umum memang ada ethical reasons kenapa saya tak suka masuk ikut pintu belakang. Tapi ada sebab lain juga...KEBARANGKALIAN BERLAKU ZALIM.

Macam mana tu?

Setiap organisasi menetapkan piawai - piawai tertentu yang perlu ada pada pemohon - pemohon yang ingin menyertai mereka. Tiba - tiba orang yang diberi tawaran langsung tidak ada piawai - piawai yang diperlukan, tetapi kerana ada 'orang dalam', sekaligus membelakangkan orang yang sudah sedia ada menepati ciri - ciri yang diperlukan?

Tidakkah itu zalim namanya, apabila orang yang lebih berhak diketepikan dan diberi ruang kepada orang yang tak sepatutnya kerana ada pengaruh dalaman semata - mata?

Zalim = Tidak memberikan sesuatu itu haknya yang sebenar.

Situasi - situasi seperti ini banyak berlaku dalam masyarakat hari ini apabila favouritism mengatasi meritokrasi.

Bayangkanlah, jika sesebuah institusi menyenarai pendekkan 100 orang daripada beribu - ribu pemohon untuk diserap, tiba - tiba kita minta kenalan di institusi itu untuk memasukkan nama kita dalam senarai 100 orang itu. Secara logiknya, untuk memasukkan nama, kenalah buang salah seorang daripada senarai itu.

Tak pernahkah kita terfikir bahawa kita tetap kena tanggung kerugian yang dialami oleh hamba Allah tu selama mana kita masih hidup?

Tak pernahkah kita terfikir dalam kita memperoleh sesuatu dengan cara yang tidak sepatutnya bahawa Allah akan menguji kita? Bahawa kita terdedah kepada fitnah dan aib sebagai hukuman atas perbuatan kita?

Fikir - fikirkan lah...

"Dan jagalah diri kamu daripada (berlakunya) dosa (yang membawa bala bencana) yang bukan sahaja akan menimpa orang-orang yang zalim di antara kamu secara khusus (tetapi akan menimpa kamu secara umum). Dan ketahuilah bahawa Allah Maha berat azab seksaNya."
[Al-Anfaal, 8:25]

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Mimpi Di Kala Malam

Semenjak beberapa minggu ni aku sering bermimpi perkara yang sama. Mula - mula mimpi tengah dukung dua budak kembar yang dah nak tidur. Kemudian mimpi tengah kejar seorang budak sambil dukung seorang lagi budak. Dan begitulah corak mimpinya.

Budak - budak yang aku dok dukung itu tidak lain tidak bukan Idris, Hasan, dan Husin bin Haznizul; anak - anak Maulana (Ustaz) Zul dan Kak Filah.

Akhir Ramadhan baru - baru ini mereka sekeluarga pulang ke Malaysia setelah Kak Filah tamat pengajian PhD.

Bukan satu perkara yang menghairankan bagi aku dok mimpi pasal tiga orang budak tu. Walaupun Hasan dan Husin aku tak lama sangat dok bermain - main dengan mereka, tetapi Idris aku dah dok jaga, kejar sepanjang 2 tahun aku berada kat Melbourne. Satu - satunya budak kecik kat Melbourne yang aku tak teragak - agak nak sambar kalau nampak dari jauh. Anak orang lain aku segan sikit.

Anyhow, I've had a good time tending to Idris for the past two years and the twins during the last weeks of their stay in Melbourne

Sunday 11 September 2011

A Sermon (Khutbah) in Melbourne

On the 31st of August 2011, I was asked to give a sermon in Clarinda, a suburban district south-east of Melbourne. The members of audience were mostly Sri Lankan Muslims. The Eid mass was under the coordination of the ASLAMA (Association of Sri Lankan Muslims in Australia).

The contents for the sermon were considered based on the situation of Muslims in Australia:

1. Where there is a need for Muslims to acknowledge other fellow Muslims regardless of ethnicity.

2. Whereby it is essential for Muslims in Australia to spread and preserve the message and good impression of Islam.

3. Whereby Muslims must be reminded of the history which led to the deterioration of Islamic knowledge physically and mentally.

The actual sermon differs from the text as dependence on this text was not permanent, and figure of speech and spontaneous examples have innovated the main structure of the sermon.


Praise is to Allah who hath guided us to this; and we would not have been guided if Allah had not guided us. We praise Him, we seek His help, and we ask for His forgiveness. Whomever Allah guides, no one can lead him astray, and whoever is led astray by the will of Allah, no one can bring him back.

We bear witness that there is but one Allah, and Muhammad S.A.W. as his messenger, and the last messenger appointed by Allah.

O servants of Allah! Fear Allah! Fear Allah the way he deserves to be feared. And do not die as Muslims in full state of submission to Allah.

My Brothers and sisters,
We give thanks to Allah for having given us the opportunity to accomplish the month of Ramadhan and all of its fulfilment, so that we may fulfil what has been prescribed by Allah;

"…so that you are able to complete the period (of fasting) and to glorify Allah for that which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful."
(Al-Baqarah: 185)

To be grateful, because of Allah’s reward in His guidance of making us as Muslims. Thus it has become our responsibility to fill our Islamism with perfect faith and good deeds.

My brothers and sisters,
We have just completed a big act of worship in Islam; that is to fast throughout the holy month of Ramadhan. We have been invited to be the guest of Allah during Ramadhan, to be served with the act of fasting, in which the reward of performing so is at least ten times that of a common good deed.

Allah has prescribed upon us,

“O you who have believed, fasting has been prescribed upon you as how it was prescribed upon those before you, so that you may become righteous.”
(Al-Baqarah: 183)

The reason is so that we become righteous to Allah; who fulfil His commands, and leave all that He has prohibited while we live on this earth, in our relationship with Him, in our relationship amongst ourselves, in our relationship with our wealth, and in our relationship with all living creatures that are around us. All these relationship must comply with all that Allah has commanded and prohibited.

This means that only with the characteristic of righteousness…or taqwa, that we are able to fulfill these relationships.

My brothers and sisters,
On this great day, I wish to share with you a verse from the Holy Quran, from the book of Al-Ma’idah, verse number 8 which goes,

“O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah and be just witnesses and let not the enmity and hatred of other (nations) make you avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to taqwa, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do.”
(Al-Ma’idah: 8)

First of all; Allah is reminding us so that we become a servant of Allah to establish truth all the time. It is a commandment from Allah that we establish truth irrespective of wherever we are.

As far as the duty is concerned, we must establish truth all the time wherever we are, at whatever era we are in.

Secondly, all of us are witnesses of what we do; witnesses of what other people do. So of that respect, Allah commands us to be a just witness.

Thirdly, Allah commands us not to allow our feeling of hatred towards another race, another nation, another creed make us become unjust. And Allah commands us to be just (I’diluu), for that is very close with taqwa. And in that respect, we must fear Allah, for He is well acquainted, well informed, no matter how large, how small, how public, or how discreet of the things that we do in this life.

Many of us who are here today originated from a land of mixed races. Even here in Australia we live amongst people of multiple races. To some, this is not something new as it has already been experienced in their native countries. To others, it is of a new experience if they were from a country of single nation, or grew up knowing little about those who exist outside of their respected tribes.

Brothers and sisters,
Most Muslim nations throughout the world would have once been living under colonial rule for many, many years. Most nations with majority Muslim population in one part of history have been colonialized, to an extent that they have forgotten the regimes which were set up by these colonial powers had been regimes that were subservient to their masters.

The governments that have been established and legitimised by the colonial powers were those that were of total obedience towards their masters. Henceforth our predecessors have been living under those conditions for many years. It could be 20 years, 50 years, or 100 years; depending on how long these territories were colonialized.

The trouble with many of these Muslim nations now is that we are suffering from a syndrome of trying to defend our race and blithering other races. As a result of that, nation states were created; splitting us apart, disintegrating us from what we used to be; a united force, a unified force at one point.

And today, we remain disintegrated. Because; I am a Malaysian, I am a Sri Lankan, I’m an Indonesian, I’m a Lebanese, I’m a Pakistani, I’m a Turk, I’m an Indian, I’m an Australian. These are the lifestyles that we have been caught into.

Many of us do not realise that when we hate other nations on the fact that we are predominant, that is a cause of zalim. The exact opposite of justice is injustice or zalim. Allah reminds us in this verse that if we are just, then we are close to taqwa. But if you are unjust, definitely you will suffer the opposite.

This verse tells us that one of the major causes of injustice is the hatred towards another nation, another race, another tribe, or another creed. The reason why Allah declared war on the Jews…the children of Israel was because of their arrogance in claiming that they were the chosen ones, the noblest of all tribes. No other tribes supersede them. Their hatred towards others can be seen today; how they try to obliterate our brothers in Palestine, how they try to destroy the minds of Muslims worldwide with countless hedonism.

Their act is positively against the verse I mentioned. Their hatred towards those other than their own kind has caused them to become vicious and unjust. And they will never rest until they are submitted to.

“Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with you until you follow their form of religion.”
(Al-Baqarah: 120)

Yes, they are happy that we are living their way of life; eating, sleeping, and dressing as how they do. But as long as we remain as Muslims, their struggle will not stop.

Brothers and sisters,
Have we learnt anything from the worship of fasting throughout Ramadhan? During Ramadhan, we have observed hunger and thirst. And by observing these, we are reminded of the people in other parts of the world who are also fasting; not because of the obligation during the month of Ramadhan, but because that is how they live.

They do not have enough to eat, they live in poverty. And we can see that a majority portion of these people are but our brothers in faith. There’s not much that we can do to assist them. Why? Because we are not united as Muslims. After years of colonisation, we still uphold the ideology of nationalism. And with this ideology, we tend to be ignorant of other people who are not of our kith and kin.

We are defenceless in protecting ourselves, our brothers, and this religion. We lack the knowledge of defending the teachings of Islam, to an extent that we submit to the ideology of other people who are clueless of the teachings of Islam.

We have observed from history; when a Muslim territory faced invasion by a common enemy, Muslims would travel across the land to join their brothers in fighting off the enemy. They would put aside their geographical factors in favour of defending a Muslim territory.

In today’s world; when Afghanistan was attacked, when Iraq was attacked, when Palestine was constantly bombarded by the enemies of Allah, the government of neighbouring Muslim countries would act as if nothing happened. Even if there were people who went to help defend these countries, upon return to their respected countries they would be charged for treason or supportive of terrorism. The act of total unjust and hatred was bred by a single cause of hatred towards others.

Brothers and sisters,
We are among the people chosen by Allah to travel to this country, be it for the purpose of education, or to permanently reside here. For some of us, we have more breathing space to practice Islam as a whole compared to our native country.

Take this opportunity to increase your knowledge of Islam and at the same time your righteousness…or taqwa to Allah, because as I have mentioned earlier only with taqwa that we are able to accomplish our relationship with all that is around us. And only with taqwa we can be united as Muslims.

But always be aware that while we are in a free country, there is no limit to anything. And because of this we are liable to be led astray from the right path.

And while we are at it, we are being placed amongst people of different backgrounds. Learn from each other, and spread the true knowledge of Islam as wide as possible, according to your respected strengths.

“O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).”
(Al-Hujuraat: 13)

The verse I mentioned tells us that this life is a life of ta’aarafuu or acquaintance. Everything we do in life begins with acquaintance. To understand Islam, we must first be acquainted with Allah. Awwaluddin ma’rifatullah.

To be united as Muslims, we must be acquainted with fellow Muslims. When we get to know our brothers we generate brotherhood. A combination of brotherhood and taqwa will eventually lead to unity for the sake of Allah. There is a Malay proverb which goes,

“Tak kenal maka tak cinta.”

If you do not know, then you will not love.

With that I conclude the first sermon.


Brothers and sisters,
A former Malaysian Member of Parliament, the late Fadzil Noor once said,

“You must be in a congregation, and do not let a day pass without thinking about Islam.”

His reference of congregation…or jama’ah does not mean this particular congregation where we gather under one roof to pray. His reference of congregation refers to Muslims who team up together for the sake of Allah to uphold this religion…teamwork if you like.

And when he said “thinking about Islam”, it means to think about contributing to Islam. Anything we do in life, we cannot accomplish it alone. We need the help of others. That’s where the concept of ta’arafuu comes in. Different people have different knowledge. And the knowledge we require may lie with them, and the knowledge they require may lie within us.

The prophet Muhammad S.A.W. said,

“You must be in a congregation for indeed being in a congregation is a grace, and disunity is a torture.”

We as Muslims have a responsibility to uphold this religion. Give contribution to Islam in any way that suits you most. If you have the knowledge of Islam, how fundamental it may be, then spread it to others. To spread Islam does not necessarily mean you need to have a background in Islamic Studies. Your knowledge and practice of what you know about Islam without doubt is sufficient.

I myself am not of Islamic Studies background. At this moment in time, I am an Electrical Engineering student. I spend my time studying the science of electricity. With the little knowledge of Islam that I bear within me, I share it with you today. And what I have shared with you, you must share with others. The prophet said,

“Pass on from me even though it is but a sentence.”

For many years, a vast majority of Muslims faced obstacles in the effort to gain Islamic knowledge, especially those who reside in countries governed by Muslims. Even if there were provisions for Islamic studies, it would be such that a Muslim only understands Islam as being the salaat, the zakat, fasting, and pilgrimage.

This trend dates all the way back to the days of colonisation. The colonies; the Spanish, Portugese, Dutch, and British alike were at war with the Muslim world even before colonisation. So it is not something surprising that when they invaded our countries, they condemned Islamic movements, and appointed people who were subservient to them to limit Islamic practice up to only the basic worships which are salaat and fasting.

The concept of da’wah at that time was only to tell people to do good deeds. But nothing on forbidding all that is evil.

Because they knew; they have learnt from the crusade against Jerusalem that Muslims cannot be brought down by force. Muslims are united in mind and strength. So they instead decided to bring down the Muslims through manipulation of the mind.

Now we are witnessing the chain reaction of that manipulation. Our lack of understanding about Islam as a whole has caused us to be disunited among ourselves. We lack the knowledge of Islam to an extent where we are subjected to abuse by the orientalists without having the strength to retaliate.

Because of that, we do not understand why we exist as different individuals. We do not understand our role on this earth.

That is why, I appeal to all of you, to enrich your Islamic knowledge, and to live by the Quran and the Sunnah. The prophet said:

“I leave behind me two things that if you abide by them, you will never go astray; the Quran and my Sunnah.”

It is never too late to gain knowledge. The prophet said,

“Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.”

This world contains unlimited amount of knowledge. The knowledge we possess is but a single drop of water on the tip of our fingers, compared to Allah’s knowledge which is as wide as the waters on this earth. All the knowledge on this earth; politics, science, medicine, mathematics, and engineering is related to Islam. There is no segregation or secularism between worldly matters and knowledge, and that of Islam.

May the knowledge that you possess lead you towards taqwa, and may our taqwa unite us into becoming a single Muslim congregation worldwide.