Friday, 20 March 2009

First-time experience is like a new car...

Every once in a while, I would have people coming to me asking how I managed to go about my day leisurely back in the days, when I was one of the leaders of a certain society.

And each time, I would answer the same story, but different versions. Following the Malaysian 12th General Election, I heard people questioning the ability of the new governments of Kedah, Perak, Penang, and Selangor. This is due to the fact that the respected governments had themselves a giddy headstart.

It was then I mentioned to them that a new government is like a new car. At the same time, I used this statement to answer the questions asked upon me. The engine represents the government. The driver represents the leader cum chief minister. The car itself represents the people under their responsibility cum nation.

When a new car is bought, the driver must not drive it at a high speed/rev. This is because the engine is still in breaking-down mode; meaning that friction between the piston and the cylinder is somewhat high.

Gradually, the friction decreases, and the gap between the piston and the cylinder loosens up. By the time it reaches 1000 kilometres, the engine is then able to gradually sustain higher speed. Over a certain period, the engine reveals its true power, and able to withstand a reasonable period.

If initially, the engine is forced up to maximum potential, it will then cause problems over the period to come. At the same time, it won't last as long as expected.

Same goes for a new government. The initial period is rough and slow. But, as time goes by, it will be able to administer smoothly.

In terms of society/organization/governmental leadership, consider the new engine as workforce/portfolio experience. Initially, it will be painstaking. But then, once you have been exposed to it frequently, you'll live life easily, and cruise leisurely down Route 66.

To sum up, everyone will face first-time in any sector. The experience in the sectors does not come overnight. It needs to be built and moulded overtime.

So, do not be afraid to face new challenges. Even those experienced in those challenges chickened out during their first day on the job.

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